I am Reborn with Painter Scarlett Raven

I am Reborn with Painter Scarlett Raven

Posted by Cass Art Staff on 27th Aug 2021

Scarlett Raven is an Artist, Painter and Augmentist living in West Sussex. Her dynamic approach to painting see's her use her hands rather than a brush to apply oil paint. Marking a new chapter in her artistic journey, I am Reborn is a celebration of her ineffable talent and the renewal she has found in motherhood. Inspired by nature, Scarlett has explored her paintings in a renewed manner as though she, like her son, is seeing the world for the first time.

About Scarlett Raven

A graduate of the prestigious Central Saint Martins School of Art, Scarlett’s fans include Orlando Bloom, Lord Jonathan Marland, Duffy and Take That (all of whom own original pieces). Passionate about colour, her dynamic approach often sees her use her hands rather than a brush to apply oil paint. Her sweeping arm gestures create movement and direction, with the artist being likened to Anselm Kiefer and Jackson Pollock. Scarlett says: “I’ve always seen the world through sound, movement and colour. Art is a vehicle for my emotions; as a child, I took my sketchbook everywhere and collected textures of memories. My studio is one of my happiest creative places.'

You can see more of Scarlett's work on Castle Fine Art and be sure to follow her on Instagram


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