Cass Art Staff Artist Lockdown Art Exhibition

Cass Art Staff Artist Lockdown Art Exhibition

Posted by Cass Art on 16th Jul 2021

In times of uncertainty, crisis and isolation, the role of art becomes more central to our lives, whether we realise it or not. We can easily take for granted the grand buffet of media that is availab … read more
Angus Hyland: Artist Interview and Exhibition

Angus Hyland: Artist Interview and Exhibition

Posted by Cass Art on 5th Jul 2021

We're thrilled to welcome Graphic Designer, Artist, Author and Creative Director Angus Hyland to our Cass Art Glasgow for his exhibition 'Looking for a Certain Ratio'. The title of the show is a direc … read more
Introducing the Cass Art Kensington

Introducing the Cass Art Kensington

Posted by Cass Art on 2nd Jul 2021

Hello creatives of London! Meet our Cass Art Kensington team below, including our wonderful store manager Jurga. Learn about their creative journeys, their specialist knowledge and favourite Cass Art … read more