Golden Fluid Acrylic Paint 237ml Light Phthalo Blue I #2377
RRP: €42.58
€6.24 off rrp
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Product Overview
Golden Fluid Acrylics are intense, permanent acrylic paints produced from lightfast pigments instead of dyes.
With the consistency of heavy cream, they offer strong colours with no fillers or extenders. Perfect for spraying, brushing and staining.
The paint loads evenly onto a paintbrush, and flows consistently from brush to surface, allowing for longer, more uniform brush strokes than the Golden Heavybody Acrylics.
Blend them with any Golden mediums to create heavier strokes.
Once dry acrylics are permanent and water-resistant
Sold in 30ml, 118ml, 237ml and 473ml in selected colours.
The Golden Fluid Acrylics are also an ideal paint for a canvas that needs to be shipped or moved around, because they expand and contract in different temperatures without cracking - the perfect paint for regular exhibitors!
Interference colours offer a unique "flip" when viewed from different angles. The colours flip between bright opalescent to its complement.