Ryan Stanier, founder of The Other Art Fair, spearheads an international movement dedicated to showcasing emerging artists and providing them with a direct platform to connect with buyers. Since its inception in London in 2011, The Other Art Fair has expanded globally, with over 70 editions in major cities worldwide, selling over 75,000 artworks from young talents across 22 countries. Recognized as "The Future of Art" by The Guardian, the fair has propelled numerous artists to international acclaim and continues to grow in influence, offering innovative programming including site-specific installations, workshops, curated projects, and guest exhibitions.

Stanier's commitment to breaking down traditional barriers in the art world is evident in initiatives like New Futures, which supports emerging artists through mentorship and exhibition opportunities, as well as NOT 30%, a dedicated showcase for women artists. With over 1.6 million visitors and the support of high-profile artists, including Tracey Emin and Gavin Turk, Stanier's vision of making art accessible to all has become a reality, shaping the landscape of contemporary art globally.

Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak to us Ryan. Firstly, what initially inspired you to found The Other Art Fair? Was there a specific gap you saw in the contemporary art fair landscape that you wanted to address?

I started The Other Art Fair in 2011 and it was born from a realisation of the disparity between a London audience eager to discover the next big thing and talented artists struggling to gain recognition. Since its launch, the fair has become distinctive as a leading artist fair to discover and buy directly from the very best emerging artistic talent. We have worked with over 10,000 artists from 20+ countries. This year we host our 100th fair.

The fair was designed to be accessible to all whether you are a first-time buyer looking to start your collection or a seasoned art collector. Amongst a strong representation of emerging and independent artists, the fair also offers a platform for the ‘unexpected’ with a series of immersive installations, food pop-ups, live DJ sets, Guest Artists’ and alternative experiences– just another reason that makes us The ‘Other’ Art Fair!

Could you tell us a bit about the very first fair that took place? Were there any unexpected challenges or surprises you encountered? What did you learn from that first experience that has shaped the way you approach The Other Art Fair today?

The first fair took place in November 2011 at the Oxo Building on the Southbank. It was terrifying as we opened the doors for the first time, I had 60 artists all ready to meet potential buyers but despite my marketing efforts I had no idea whether people would attend. Thankfully they did and over 5,000 people came along, the only issue with this was we didn’t have enough glasses to serve drinks therefore I was stuck hand washing glasses in cold water for most of the evening. Don’t worry we have enough glasses now...

I think I learned more from that weekend than any other time in my life.

The success of The Other Art Fair has been extraordinary and you’ve been doing all over the world for a while now. Do you notice different trends or even specific styles of art in the different parts of the world where you have the fair?

Thanks yes it’s been an incredible ride. With us hosting 10 fairs a year across 7 cities each year we do tend to see trends emerging which differ between cities. A general example of trend that we are seeing across most fairs currently is a lot of large abstract colourful pieces, I think that people are currently in need of some bright and uplifting positivity in their lives.

As the founder of a platform dedicated to emerging artists, what advice do you have for those starting their artistic careers? What are some of the key things they should focus on to increase their visibility and build a successful career in the art world?

As the founder of a platform dedicated to emerging artists, what advice do you have for those starting their artistic careers? What are some of the key things they should focus on to increase their visibility and build a successful career in the art world?


Create an Instagram profile, be active and use it to build your brand.

Go to Private Views and speak to gallerists.

Visit art fairs.

Create a website.

Have a Saatchi Art profile and get friendly with the curators.

Become friends with curators.

Oh and exhibit at The Other Art Fair.

Considering your experience in identifying exciting new talent in the art industry, what qualities are you particularly interested in seeing from the Cass Art Prize entries?

- I would like to see artists that have a clearly distinct style and something unique.

- Let the art do the talking so keep your answers short and concise.

- Don’t show lots of artworks from different series, choose one and be confident in that approach.

Thanks so much for your time, Ryan. Finally, If you had one piece of advice for any artists entering the competition, what would it be?approach.

Put forward work your best art not what you think we will like.

Be sure to follow Ryan and of course The Other Art Fair on Instagram