SAA Silver Brushes The Complete Compendium with Brush Case
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Product Overview
A brush you can rely on! The perfect alternative to Sable hair, SAA Silver Brushes are great at holding lots of paint and keeping its shape whilst in use. They are constructed from synthetic hair, bound by a non-animal based glue and have handles sourced from CITES approved sustainable growth plantations.
Ideal for watercolour & gouache painting.
This set contains the complete collection of the SAA Silver Brush Range, all in one handy zip case, giving artists all they need for their painting.
SAA are proud of the fact that their SAA Silver Brushes are suitable for vegans (excluding the Oval and Swordliners shaped brushes, which feature a Blu Squirel / Synthetic blend mix).
The complete set contains:
Tiny Detailer (00)
Little Detailer (0)
Small Detailer (01)
Detailer (Size 02)
Large Detailer (Size 04)
Liner Writer (Size 02)
Rigger Worker (Size 06)
Large Worker (Size 08)
All Rounder (Size 10)
Wash (Size 16)
Big Wash (Size 20)
The Whopper (Size 30)
Big Flat (1.5")
Easy Flat (1")
Flatmate (0.5")
Silver Large Mop Brush
Large Oval Wash Brush (Blue Squirrel / Synthetic Mix)
Extra Large Oval Wash Brush (Blue Squirrel / Synthetic Mix)
Silver Rake
Small Silver Rake
Large Silver Swordliner - Large (Blue Squirrel / Synthetic Mix)
Silver Swordliner - Small (Blue Squirrel / Synthetic Mix)
Silver Fan - Small
Silver Fan - Large (Please note: Oval and Swordliners feature a Blue Squirrel / Synthetic Mix)
Contents Include
Complete Collection of the SAA Silver Brush Range and One Zip Case