Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolour (Including 1 Artist's Quality) Sketchers Pocket Box of 12 Half Pan
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Was: £15.50RRP: £32.35
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Product Overview
This Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour Sketchers' Pocket Box comes from Winsor & Newton, the company that created water colour.
Included in the range of essential colours is one from the Winsor & Newton Artists' Quality series - French Ultramarine (Series 2 - individual value £8.60)
This set also comes with a FREE pocket-sized brush.
There is 170 years of expertise invested in the Cotman collection, with the emphasis on quality balanced with affordable prices.
Since the greatest cost comes from the source pigments, the more expensive of these are substituted with alternatives to create hues that still provide high tinting strength and transparency.
This not only keeps costs down, but also makes for more consistent performance across the range, which can be of great benefit if you are new to watercolours.
This Cotman Water Colour Sketchers' Pocket Box contains 11 Cotman Watercolour and 1 Winsor & Newton Artists' Quality French Ultramarine (Series 2) half pans, in a pocket-sized plastic box with mixing palette in the lid, pocket brush and colour leaflet.
Please note, colours may vary depending on the stock at Winsor & Newton.
French Ultramarine (Professional Quality - Series 2) Lemon Yellow Hue Cadmium Yellow Hue Cadmium Red Pale Hue Permanent Rose Dioxazine Purple Cerulean Blue Hue Viridian Hue Sap Green Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber Chinese White
Size Description
Half Pan
Contents Include
French Ultramarine (Artist Quality - Series 2) - Lemon Yellow Hue - Cadmium Yellow Hue - Cadmium Red Pale Hue - Permanent Rose - Dioxazine Purple - Cerulean Blue Hue - Viridian Hue - Sap Green - Burnt Sienna - Burnt Umber - Chinese White