Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache Opaque Introduction Set of 10 14ml
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Was: £34.50RRP: £60.65
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Product Overview
This Winsor & Newton Designers’ Gouache Introduction Set features one of this outstanding company’s trophy products.
Gouache is watercolour’s opaque cousin, bringing flat, brilliant colours most often used in design and illustration.
Winsor & Newton has made Designers’ Gouache since 1935 but has continued to update and improve it, ensuring it is as smooth in the application and bold in the finish as possible.
Made up with pigment, both single and mixed, bound with gum arabic for quick drying, it contains none of the chalk added to lesser brands, giving it great covering power and a matt finish when dry.
The range has a balance of colours that have been formulated for maximum brightness without the need for permanence, and of more lightfast colours for fine-art use.
Spectrum Red Primary Red Primary Blue Ultramarine Primary Yellow
Permanent Yellow Deep Yellow Ochre Permanent Green Ivory Black Zinc White
Size Description
Contents Include
Spectrum Red - Primary Red - Primary Blue - Ultramarine - Primary Yellow - - Permanent Yellow Deep - Yellow Ochre - Permanent Green - Ivory Black - Zinc White